blood line中文什么意思

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  1. Out of the same blood line - on the relations between the arabian and the jew in early times
  2. Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs - cardiopulmonary bypass systems - arterial blood line filters
  3. Many of the parents are very helpless , and they feel very frustrated and threatened . so sometimes they have to get together and protect themselves from their own blood line , from their own children
  4. Starting with the changing process of village hamlet community , on the basis of literature and datum , the writer investigates thoroughly a village on the boundary of fuqing and putian by the means of individual inquiry and research on the spot , describes the village hamlet community ' s formation and evolution process , emphasizes to expound the everyday life of the village hamlet community and clans with members of the same clan ' s blood line as well as the influence and function of this village ' s particular contacting network in the village hamlet community


  1. the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"
    同义词:lineage, line, line of descent, descent, bloodline, blood, pedigree, ancestry, origin, parentage, stemma, stock


  1. blood letting puncturing and cupping 什么意思
  2. blood level 什么意思
  3. blood level controller 什么意思
  4. blood level detector 什么意思
  5. blood level measuring electrode 什么意思
  6. blood line for artificial kidney 什么意思
  7. blood lipid 什么意思
  8. blood lipid abnormality 什么意思
  9. blood lipids 什么意思
  10. blood lipoid 什么意思


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